Our business partners

We value our relationships with our business partners, so we’re fair, open and transparent in our dealings with them.

In turn, we expect them to share our commitment to ethical, safe and responsible business practices.

What does our commitment mean in practice?

We’re careful to ensure we only work with business partners that share our commitment to ethical business practices and conduct.

We treat our business partners with respect.

We work with our business partners to help them understand our expectations.

We don’t ask our business partners to operate in a manner that puts them, or their workforce, at risk.

We never ask our business partners to act in a way that breaches the law, our Values or Code.

We take action if our business partners break the law.

We assert our influence over joint ventures we don’t control to encourage them to act in a manner consistent with our Values and Code.

Our business partners include our suppliers, customers, joint ventures, joint venture partners, service providers and other counterparties.

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